How Make It So Survey Is Done It Starts Again in Qualtrics

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Attention: Many links on this page link back to pages regarding standard Qualtrics surveys, not simply EmployeeXM. Detailed below are the differences you will demand to be aware of on each folio. While some content may look slightly different when creating your EmployeeXM, feature functionality remains the same.

Qtip: This folio describes functionality bachelor to Engagement, Lifecycle, and Ad Hoc Employee Research projects. For more details on each, see Types of Employee Experience Projects.

Well-nigh Survey Options

Survey options is where you lot go to change many general survey settings, such as the timeframe the survey's bachelor, the improver of a back button or visible question numbers, and more. To admission these settings, click Survey options in the Survey tab.

Survey Options button in the Survey tab

Qtip: Changes fabricated to the survey options are saved automatically. To button changes to survey respondents, exist sure to publish the changes.
Publish button in upper-right of page

Survey options is divided into several sections, as described below.


The General section contains survey options related to the survey's default language, the title and clarification displayed in search results, question numbering, and Expert Review.

General section of survey options


The survey options in the Responses department affect how responses are recorded and how respondents experience the survey-taking process. Hither, you'll discover settings related to how respondents can change their answers during a survey session, the error letters they should receive, what to practise with incomplete responses, and more.

Responses section of survey options

Qtip: The simply pick you'll encounter on the Responses back up folio that does non utilise to EmployeeXM projects is "Inactive survey message." Run into below for EmployeeXM survey options not covered on the linked support folio.

Survey Retakes

When you initially invite participants to have the date survey, the invite should include a link to the engagement survey that is unique to them. When selected,Survey retakes allows participants to retake the survey using this unique link. All they have to do to retake the survey is revisit the link they received in the invitation and select the link to retake the survey.

Multiple responses

If yous see the option Multiple responses, yous're probably using an Employee Lifecycle project. Cheque out the Allowing Lifecycle Participants to Submit Multiple Responses folio to larn more about this option.

Incomplete survey responses

Attention: If a response in progress meetsbothof the following atmospheric condition, and then it will be deleted regardless of your incomplete survey response settings:

  • The response in progress is for a participant in your project who has already submitted a response.
  • Your project does not have the multiple responses settings enabled.

Otherwise, incomplete survey response options are the same in EmployeeXM projects every bit they are in the survey platform. Run into Incomplete Survey Responses for more details.


The survey options in the Security section tin can increase your survey'south security and protect it from unwanted responses.

Security section of survey options

Use Anonymous Link

When selected, Use Anonymous Link generates a general link to your survey. This allows yous to re-create a link to the engagement survey and paste it on a website instead of emailing all your participants. This option also creates a means for you to allow participants opt into the survey instead of requiring it for everyone. Notation that you will either need to add an org hierarchy question type to your survey or an authenticator to your survey period for each participant's response to be placed somewhere in your hierarchy.

For assist determining if you should use an anonymous link for your survey, see Anonymous vs. Confidential Employee Surveys.

If you are only distributing via the anonymous link, brand certain to manually activate your project and then your participants can accept the survey!

Qtip: Sometimes you volition want participants to be able to opt themselves in, but for the response to be associated with their metadata. In that case, you lot will desire to utilize our authenticator feature with the anonymous link.

Add a Referral Website URL

See Add a Referral Website URL.

Qtip: To farther protect your link, consider using an authenticator. Authenticators accept settings that prevent anyone but approved participants from inbound your survey through the bearding link.

Prevent multiple sessions

Qtip: This selection used to exist called "Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing."

Sometimes when you use an bearding link, you may want to preclude participants from taking a survey more than than once. When selected, Forbid multiple sessions helps keep participants from taking a survey multiple times by placing a cookie on their browser when they submit a response. The adjacent time the participant clicks on the survey link, Qualtrics will run into this cookie and not permit them to accept the survey.

"Forbid multiple sessions" is a great deterrent, only tin be circumvented past savvy participants clearing their browser cookies, switching to a different web browser, or using a different device. With surveys that have a higher incentive to crook, consider distributing your survey using an authenticator or by messaging the participants with theSurvey Retakes option deselected.

Qtip: If "Prevent multiple settings" has boosted options, such every bit End survey with a message, Redirect to URL, andFlag responses, you have Fraud Detection. To learn more about this feature, see Fraud Detection on the Survey Platform'southward support pages.

Bot detection

Wait for respondents that could exist bots and flag their responses. For more than details, come across the Bot Detection section of the Fraud Detection support folio.

Security Browse Monitor

Qtip: This option used to be called "Email Scan Roadblock."

Prevent security scanners from accidentally starting a new session on your survey. See the Security Browse Monitor section of the Fraud Detection support page.


Analyze a respondent's browser, operating system, and location to prevent fraudulent responses.  For more details, see the RelevantID department of the Fraud Detection support page.

Prevent Idexing

See Forbid Indexing.

Postal service-Survey

The survey options under Post-Survey concern what happens after a survey ends. For Engagement and Lifecycle projects, there is merely one option listed hither: Message for revisiting a completed survey. Give thanks y'all messages and triggers are non available in EmployeeXM projects.

Post-survey section of survey options


In the Advanced department of your survey options, you tin find some boosted settings that can enhance your survey.

  • Translations: Interpret your survey into multiple languages, assuasive respondents to choose which linguistic communication to view the survey in.



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